Sunday 16 February 2020

The Home Water Birth of Sophie Rose

Here is the video of Sophie's home water birth from February 1, 2019! This is a very intimate video that I am willing to share to help other women know there are OPTIONS for you when it comes time for you to birth your beautiful babe. I had NO IDEA home birth was an option until a few years ago, and for the first 28 years of my life, I was terrified of how I'd ever give birth. It sounded like absolute horror!! Instead, you CAN have a BEAUTIFUL, NATURAL, PEACEFUL, MAGICAL, GLORIOUS, LIFE CHANGING birth! You are more powerful than you know!!! And I want to help women have inherent trust in the process and their body. You can click here to read her entire birth story. It's 20+ pages of intimate pictures and details that will make you feel comfortable about birthing. Click here: Are you afraid of birth? Are you terrified of labor? Are you scared to be sick for 9 months? Are you worried about tearing and breast feeding and doctors and postpartum and and and….?! Then, my other e-book is for YOU! It's 50+ pages loaded with information for EVERY woman. I talk about my own experience with home birth and why I advocate for it. But there’s also TONS of information for wherever you choose to birth! Loaded with pictures and resources. I want you to know that you have SO many options. I truly hope you find comfort in reading! And that after reading, you have inherent trust in the process and your body. Birth doesn’t have to be terrifying. It can – and should – be beautiful! Click here: ------- Check out my website (work in progress!)

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